As you can tell, this site is a WIP at the moment, so some things arent 100% complete amd things may change quite drasticly.
If you have any suggestions or potential tips on what to add, please contact me via social media or email.
20/4/23: HAPPY 4/20!!! in other news, i redid the blog, with the entries in it having their own page and (finally) added two peices to the art page and once again, sorry for the inactivity on the site, im kinda running out of ideas on what to add.
10/4/23: ty for 1k visits! (even though most of those were defintely me) also, i changed the update log so that the most recent update is first. and again, sorry for the inactivity.
28/3/23: sorry for the inactivity, but i made a new page, this time for any "art" that i make... if i make any. find it here.
17/3/23 added a blog, but cba to update the nav bar fot the millionth time, so you can find it here
12/3/22 finalized the recommedations page somewhat, and split it into different catagories (just 2 for now: music and content creators)
11/3/22 (cont.) added a couple more reccomendations
11/3/22: added the recommendations page, will add more recs later
10/3/22: created the website, pretty barebones for now but its atleast semi presentable lol